Questions & Answers


+1 vote
asked Oct 21, 2022 in Editing by frankliebe (160 points)
edited Oct 21, 2022 by frankliebe
I would like to request an epic feature like I call clipping-controller:

why is that usefull?! (whats the problem?)

answer is; you are putting sounds to your track that does have no clipping spots in normally, but after edit some inserts-fx AND/OR edit volume of tracks AND/OR its bus or master-volume it can be fast happens that spots of your track are now have clipping spots/areas.

how to solve that?!

answer; every tracks are able to mark areas that are noticed that they are clipping. how it comes to the marked clipping-areas?! well, during playin' studio one noticed the clipping areas an mark them for example in color red.  an right click on an clipping-areas offers two options to solve that clipping-issue automatically for you: by reducing the track volumen by the max.clipping-db OR auto-modify the sounds (that should not be done on the original library space - instead on an copy of that sound in the library space that is dedecated copied to the song-content). an option to manually trigger an checking for the whole songs clipping-spots would be fine after insert-fx/volume-changes.