Questions & Answers

Can we get some supported way of connecting StudioLive mixers to wifi?

+2 votes
asked Dec 1, 2022 in StudioLive Series Feature Requests by m.haun (180 points)
Some officially supported way of connecting the StudioLive to wifi would be appreciated. Wired ethernet isn't always an option.

Since there is no built-in wifi on the unit, this would need to be done by way of a wifi-to-ethernet adapter or internet sharing from a computer. I already tried internet sharing from my laptop and it didn't work. I checked with support and all they could tell me was to put in a feature requests, so here it is.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Dec 26, 2022 by kirkenihalden (750 points)
Any wifi-to-ethernet bridge should work. This is cheap standard equipment you can buy everywhere.

(Yes, I have tried this myself. Works flawlessly.)