Questions & Answers

Navigating through the setlist on Studio One 6 showpage with MIDI-footcontroller / CC-controls

+3 votes
asked Jan 7, 2023 in Studio One 6 by dannyfortuijn (150 points)
edited Jan 7, 2023 by dannyfortuijn
Hey guys,

For my band I am currently testing Studio One 6 to use in a live-setting to play backing tracks and to make (live) recordings. I have to compliment you guys on the interface as it is really quick to adapt to!

The recording-part is clear, no questions about that but as said we want to use Studio One as a backing track player for our U2-trbute band, and the Showpage looks perfect for doing just that! Easy to use and really easy to make your setlist. However we do have one specific wish. We would like to navigate through the setlist with a MIDI-controller. So when performing we want to be able to jump to the next or the previous song in the setlist and if necessary stop and restart. We want to do this by means of CC-control and sending commands to Studio One 6. Is this possible?

Our setup contains of:

-Studio One - running under WIndows 10 (right now the demo-version for trial)
-M-Audio Midisport 1x1 USB MIDI-interface
-BOSS ES-8 effects switching system
-********* XR18 as our audio interface

We are doing exactly this at the moment with an old version of Cubase but we would like to switch to the
more user-friendly solution with a suitable version Studio One 6 when it's possible to navigate through our live-setlist like described

Can you help us out on this one? I can't seem to find to info I'm looking for online and as I'm running the demo-version I don't have acces to crucial parts of the Presonus forum.

Hope you can tell how to set this up!

Thank you,

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Apr 7, 2023 by steventreder (570 points)
dannyfortuijn - I currently use a Morningstar MIDI pedal to accomplish this in S1 within the Show Page.  The pedal's programming interface allows me to set up a keyboard shortcut, instead of just MIDI notes, CC messages or program changes.   The default keyboard shortcuts for the songs in the Setlist are the corresponding numbers on the Number Pad, so Song 1 is Number Pad 1, as so on.  The problem I have is that S1 only has keyboard shortcuts programmed for the first 10 songs in the Setlist and I haven't figured out a work around other than setting up multiple Shows with 10-song setlists.