Questions & Answers

Freezing and Crashing of Studio One 6.1.1 on workflow

0 votes
asked May 12, 2023 in Studio One 6 by ezekielnyimbili (150 points)
Studio One 6.1.1 has crashed 8 times whilst in the same project. It's been like this since the Upgrade to Version 6.1.1. The log files seem to show this:

2023/05/12 21:39:27.834: [Warning]  (Studio One) UCNET:Enabled UDP multicast on official port 47809 (1 sockets)
2023/05/12 21:39:27.835: [Warning]  (Studio One) UCNET:Local UDP port bound to 53900 (2 sockets)

Every time, I don't seem to know what this means and the crashing appears to be getting worse even when I am not connected to the internet. what could be the problem?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Mar 26 by matijaoraem (140 points)
Same here???? Nobody knows how to fix it? It´s impossible to work with S1 6.5.2., freezes all the time.