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Toolbox right/left position, Ruler bar zoom on/off option and Constrain for the song length.

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asked Oct 3, 2023 in Editing by zhengxianjin (130 points)
Before switching to Studio One, I used Logic Pro X and noticed that in Logic, the instrument and preset selection windows are typically located on the left side. Therefore, I recommend that Studio One should provide an option to move the instrument and preset selection window from the right to the left side. This feature would be helpful and eliminate the need to constantly move my gaze back and forth. I have been waiting for this feature for quite some time, but there have been no updates regarding window location management selection. Implementing this feature could provide a better DAW experience for Logic and Ableton users transitioning to Studio One.

Furthermore, I appreciate the zoom function in the ruler tool where users can zoom in and out by clicking the ruler zone up and down with the mouse. However, I believe it would be better if there was an On/Off button for this function. Personally, I find it slightly annoying when I accidentally misclick the ruler zone, causing the zoom-in and out function to activate when I don't need it. This is because I prefer using the keyboard to zoom in and out. Therefore, having both tasks at the same time may not be necessary. Additionally, I think it would be much more precise if we could click and drag the ruler zone for solo repeating purposes.

Lastly, I would like to suggest a region constrain mode where the endpoint can be constrained not only by moving the marking tool to make the end mark but also by moving the constrain cursor, just like in Logic Pro X. This would eliminate the need to zoom in and out entirely every time you want to make the endpoint.