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Comping: mark favorite sections inside a layer

0 votes
asked Oct 9, 2023 in Editing by risotto (2,250 points)

Hi everyone,
here is my feature request. As working with layers and comping got improved lately there is one thing I would find really nice to have. When listening through layers and sections inside a layer I would love to mark sections inside a layer with just a custom color or a comment, a rating system or something like that.

Why? Because if you have more takes, you may run into the situation that, when you switch between different sections to find the best part(s), it can get quite hard to remember which one you liked the most. Also if you want to use the unused sections for doubles or anything like, you have to go through all of the takes again.

Yes, you can change the color of a whole event inside a layer but not of a single section, so this does not work. And yes you can also rename complete layers and use this as a rating, but not smaller sections inside a layer. And yes you can delete bad sections, this does help a lot, but it could me more smart than that. :) 


  • This would save tons of time listening to the same stuff over and over again.
  • And you can also think this even smarter, you could implement a hotkey, that you can set those markers during the recording...
  •  Or you can have a quick back and forth switching system between you're actual favorite section and the one you are listening to, if you like it better, than set this one as your new favorite.
  • You can even do an automated doubles creator. Just go through the takes, mark the Top 1-X ones and than say something like "create doubles from 2nd favorite".
Thanks for your time reading through this and please feel free to like and share this idea. :)