Questions & Answers

Request: Tempo mapping by dragging MIDI part in tempo track

+4 votes
asked Dec 14, 2023 in MIDI Editing by TommasoScarabino (360 points)

I don't know if this is already requested, anyway I would like to see this possible in Studio One.

If I'm not wrong, Tempo mapping is possible by dragging ONLY audio part in tempo track.

I request this feature also for MIDI parts, without wasting time by mapping manually measure by measure.

You know that this is already possible in Logic Pro and Cubase, would be great to see this also in Studio One.

Thanks for you support ;)

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jan 18 by michaelglus1 (4,240 points)
It is already implemented. Just drag and drop MIDI file with a tempo data onto a Tempo track.
0 votes
answered Apr 5 by TommasoScarabino (360 points)

It is already implemented. Just drag and drop MIDI file with a tempo data onto a Tempo track.

This is not the request I was referring to. My request is to be able to drag a MIDI part freely recorded in the project directly into the time track, not an imported midifile. Just as it is already possible to do it with an audio part. 

Hey team, don't wait :)​
