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Native Instrument Plugins Crash Studio One 6.5 Constantly

+4 votes
asked Dec 27, 2023 in Studio One 6 by leylandclopton (2,000 points)

Anytime I use any Native Instrument VST, whether it be Kontakt, Komplete Kontrol, Battery, Massive, etc, Studio One 6.5 crashes randomly.  The crash report will always give me a Native Instrument Plugin.  I can leave the session Idle for a few minutes with a Native Instrument plugin loaded, and when I return to the computer, I will have a crash report.  For me Studio One has always been buggy in general with any 3rd party plugins, but it's getting rediculous now.  Is anyone else experiencing this and have any tips on at least getting less crashes? I created a ticket with Presonus and they just told me what I already knew, that the Native Instrument plugins were crashing Studio One indecision.  Im getting a little frustrated at this point.  I wish Presonus would stop charging us for a new upgrade every year, and just focus on working out the bugs with the most popular 3rd party plugins. Please work with these companies like Native Instruments, to resolve these issues instead of just passing the ball back and forth and finger pointing.  I understand you are competing with each other but in the end we the consumers are losing time and money.

MacBook Pro 16in Late 2019

I9 8 Core 32G Ram

Mac OS Sonoma

5 Answers

+1 vote
answered Jan 14, 2024 by xtreme (220 points)
I'm on Windows 11 Pro using the Kontrol S Mk3 controller. I'm having the similar issues with crashing. After creating a song and saving the project. Upon reopening my song I get a warning to update komplete kontrol and hardware connection click ok to continue. I hit ok and S1 crashes. Everything is fully updated in Native access. This makes making any music useless because when I open any project it crashes, Who wants to spend time working for hours to reopen a song to a crash. I have sent messages to both Presonus and Native instruments and still no solution. I'm super ****** off this has not been resolved by either party.

AMD 5950x 16 core


128 GB Ram
+2 votes
answered Jan 18, 2024 by laynehoward (200 points) answer, but same problem here. I very recently upgraded from the S88 MK2 to the MK3. Nothing but problems. From the looks of the "Please update Komplete Kontrol and/or..."  message box, it's an NI problem.   I'm not too surprised considering that NI kept pushing back the release date of the new keyboard because of software/fermware problems.

What does boggle my mind is that Native Instruments is a freaking software based complany and their software tends to suck. If I wasn't so deeply entrenched in theire products, I'd dump them.
0 votes
answered Feb 1, 2024 by gianlucapallocca (1,890 points)
Same here on a Mac studio M1, from 6.5 studio one is crashing with kontakt 6.7 and 7. The first symptom is a lag activating multi output of the plug-in. Impossible to work on any project..
0 votes
answered Feb 6, 2024 by richardprevatt (170 points)
Has anyone had any luck with this?

I’m also having the “update komplete kontrol and hardware connection” bug. Can confirm everything is Native Access is up to date and tried reinstalling kontrol and hardware connection.

Using Kontrol S61 MK3 / Windows 11 / Studio One 6.5.1 Artist
0 votes
answered Feb 17, 2024 by frankzappa3 (230 points)
With what has happened in the interim, I'm shocked that the music community ever agreed on a MIDI protocol to begin with. It's pretty much every man for himself on the Windows platform now and you get some conformity on the Apple platform at the price of ... well, the price. That and planed obsolescence. I suppose we are too far gone as a culture to hope for cooperation for the sake of the common goal of making music as an altruistic pursuit.