Questions & Answers

Have the option to store multiple keyboard maps in the default section

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asked Feb 25, 2024 in Studio One+ Feature Requests by waderue (940 points)
So when you go to keyboard mapping they have the five or so they have and then you can import your own. I would like to be able to add my own and have it in that list PLUS be able to move to those with a shortcut/macro.

Scenario 1 you spent years setting up a custom map, and you now do tutorials. It would be advantageous to be able do a keystrokes to go to the default so you and your student have the same macros to work off of.

Scenario 2 you bought a streamdeck and it has a studio one profile with their custom shortcuts to work with their device. When I'm using the device I want their shortcuts, when I'm not I want my own. Being able to have both maps in the list and set a shortcut to switch between the 2 would be super helpful.

I'm sure there are tons of other reasons that could help others. So please do yall magic and make this a reality

Thanks for coming to my tedtalk