Questions & Answers

How can I route the Talkback on the 32S to be heard on the 32R and 16R, with all mixers running in Stand Alone mode?

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asked Mar 12, 2024 in StudioLive Series III by andrerivers (120 points)
I have the Studiolive 32S, 32R, and the 16R. I'm running them all in "Stand Alone" mode. I'm trying to use the 32S to "Talkback" to either mixer for communication from FOH to Stage. I have a mic plugged into the dedicated Talkback input.

1 Answer

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answered Mar 14, 2024 by robertweston2 (10,480 points)
If I understand your question, sending audio back to the stage does not necessarily mean the signal goes to another console for monitors.    Normally, the talk-back is just routed to a monitor mix (aux send).

Sometimes, it's just easier to use the highest available channel (i.e. channel 32) as a talk-back (set that channel for analog).  Then, all you need to do is route that mic to whatever monitor (aux output) you need.  This is how it usually works in analog (simplest and most effective).

What are you using for a stage box?