Questions & Answers

Note entry is stuck on triplets

–1 vote
asked Jun 4, 2024 in Notion by alanoehler1 (180 points)

I'm encountering some frustrating behavior with a project of mine. I was entering notes on a staff and wanted to enter triplets. So I clicked the Make Tuplet button and entered the desired notes. Then I clicked it again to toggle it off. Went to enter the next note and the little bracket with the 3 appeared.

First time it happened I clicked on some other note values and then went back to entering what I desired and it seemed to have kicked loose. But then I came to another bar where I had triplets to enter. Did so, and now it seems to be utterly stuck. No matter what kind of note I try to enter, a bracket with a 3 appears. I even closed the project, shut down Notion, then reopened it, and the problem persists.

If I create a new score, things seem OK again, so I suspect whatever is wrong is in the particular file.

Any ideas how I might be able top rescue my work?


