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New to this: How should I ring out a mic. in Universal Control?

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asked Jun 15, 2024 in StudioLive Series III by paulalvarez (520 points)
edited Jun 18, 2024 by paulalvarez

I'm still learning how to best use Universal Control EQ/GEQ to ring out a mic for minimizing feedback in a live situation.  I've seen some tutorial videos in YouTube where the person will go to a mic. channel, set EQ to flat, select the second band (out of the 4), set the Q to narrow and then sweep the frequencies with gain turned up to the point of starting to hear feedback.  Once the offending frequency is identified, then going to the GEQ and cutting that frequency by about 3dB.  Then continuing to sweep as additional frequencies are then identified.  If I explained that properly, my questions would be:

  1. Are the edited GEQ settings assigned to the Mains or the specific channel (or both)?  I wasn't sure if GEQ is assignable to where needed or just keeping the updated settings on the Mains.
  2. If the frequency cuts are made in GEQ assigned to the Mains, does the channel EQ remain flat or can there be some added to enhance that mic. without affecting the changes done via GEQ?
  3. Using the RTA initially to find the problem frequencies on the mic. channel should be set to Pre, correct?  I believe this is the signal before any EQ.  Should this be revisited setting the RTA to Post?

This is one of those, I don't know what I don't know.  Any help guiding me to using Universal Control and from more experienced users is very much appreciated.


1 Answer

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answered Jul 12, 2024 by robertweston2 (10,480 points)
Ringing out a mic (input) starts with the gain.  Make sure the gain is within reason for the input (not too much gain).  Next, make sure the mic is NOT pointing at a speaker... this will cause more issues.  Next, using the EQ should only be (primarily) for the removal of frequencies.  When the mic starts to ring (feedback), locate the feedback frequency on the channel input and slightly reduce that frequency to the point the ringing stops.

Do not adjust any EQ on the mains (FOH L/R); this EQ needs to be flat.