Questions & Answers

Original problem solved but no input passed to StudioOne

0 votes
asked Jun 9, 2016 in Studio One 2 by stenkj (250 points)
Thanks, the original problem is solved, however this seem to cause that no input (from microphone, guitar to AudioBox22VSL) is passed to studio one. Also no sound from media player is shown in StudioOne.

AudioBox & StudioOne has been updated to latest version.

Please advice


1 Answer

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answered Jun 9, 2016 by ryanmiller13 (18,150 points)
Best answer
Ensure that you are not running Media player or any other audio programs simultaneously with Studio One.  This can cause a conflict with the interface as to which program to utilize and which audio signal is outputted....hence the use of the exclusive mode.

Additionally, playing a file through media player will not direct it into Studio One.  In this case when you play the file, you are utilizing the outputs of the interface, not the inputs.  It is possible to import a sound file directly into Studio One, or you could utilize an additional computer to play back the audio into the interface inputs and record those sound files manually.

Hope that helps!
asked Jun 10, 2016 in Studio One 2 by stenkj (250 points) No input passed to StudioOne