Questions & Answers

Would it be possible to add a spectral editor similar to ones in Adobe Audition, Audacity & Izotope RX?

+24 votes
asked Jul 10, 2016 in Studio One Feature Requests by ChrisThom (240 points)
Would it be possible to add a spectral editor similar to ones in Adobe Audition, Audacity & Izotope RX?

Come on, Audacity which is a free program has one so how hard can it be?

I do a lot of voice work it having a spectral editor is SO nice to remove clicks, pops and other ****.

2 Answers

+2 votes
answered Jul 10, 2016 by danam2 (4,110 points)
Since I own iZotope RX4 I would rather like supporting external editors or ARA-integration (although that has to be done on the iZotope side). But generally speaking you are right. A (good) internal spectral editor would also be fine. Right now the only easy workflow-friendly option ist the Spectro-plugin. But it has a small GUI.
+1 vote
answered Feb 19, 2018 by billjacobs (460 points)
Audacity, Reaper, Samplitude, all have spectral editors. I find myself turning toward them more often. I'd love to see one at least in Studio One 3 Pro.