Questions & Answers

why do i get a bleu screen when i start studio one?(it worked fine 2 days ago)

0 votes
asked Jul 31, 2016 in Studio One 3 by jelletuerlings (120 points)
it worked reall well for some time but then it just crached every time i launched the program with a bleu screen)

my leptop:

windows 7,



1 Answer

0 votes
answered Aug 5, 2016 by philangus (10,160 points)
What is the 0X number at the bottom of the blue screen? This may give a clue. it could be a memory fault. BSODs are very rare now since Windows 7 upwards and in my experience most are hardware related (as opposed to XP when it seemed it could be affected by which way the wind was blowing!).

Most common:

Memory fault developed with one DIMM
CPU fan failing causing overheating
Rogue driver
Windows update!

Less common:

CPU fault
Graphics fault
Motherboard or other component fault