Questions & Answers

1818vsl Audiobox vsl control panel requires update, but on Yosemite firmware update detects error and will not update?

0 votes
asked Sep 17, 2016 in AudioBox USB by scottyano (150 points)
recategorized Sep 20, 2016 by mattcaprio
I downloaded Studio 3 Artist for my 1818vsl and am trying to load the firmware update the control panel requires. I start the firmware update and a dialogue box comes up telling me to unplug the unit, power it down, replug the unit and power it up, then press OK.

Studio One 3 3.3.1 Build 39379

Audiobox 1.3 Build 5735

I want to use the iPad controller, so I have not downloaded the most recent universal control (and I am only using Yosemite, so I don't need it, or want it).

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Sep 19, 2016 by mattcaprio (147,580 points)
Best answer
AudioBox v1.3 drivers are not supported anymore and were never supported on Yosemite.

Unfortunately you will be unable to use the VSL software on your operating system.

To use the 1818 on OSX 10.11 you'll need to use it as class compliant (meaning no drivers) or with the UC 1.8+ drivers.