Questions & Answers

Audiobox 22 VSL: firmware update detected an error Mac El Capitan

0 votes
asked Dec 3, 2015 in AudioBox USB by Cavalier (120 points)

Modellname:    Mac mini

  Modell-Identifizierung:    Macmini7,1

  Prozessortyp:    Intel Core i5

  Prozessorgeschwindigkeit:    2,6 GHz

  Anzahl der Prozessoren:    1

  Gesamtanzahl der Kerne:    2

  L2-Cache (pro Kern):    256 KB

  L3-Cache:    3 MB

  Speicher:    8 GB

  Boot-ROM-Version:    MM71.0220.B06

  SMC-Version (System):    2.24f32

  Seriennummer (System):    C07NR6TVG1HW

  Hardware-UUID:    646ED939-FA40-5179-9FED-F931C70462A2

Sorry, but I could not follow your instruction on the website; here save file was not possible; that is why I#m trying this way!!


Firmware update detected an error; VSL does not run any longer; new software installation did not solve the problem

Greetings from Germany 

G. Berger

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Mar 23, 2016 by matthewgorman (52,060 points)

There has been an update to el capitan that fixes USB connectivity. It is recommended that usb device users install this update to 10.11.4.
