Questions & Answers

Arturia Software MiniFilter V 1 0 0 116 will not intergrade with daw effects

0 votes
asked Dec 29, 2016 in Studio One 3 by ronalexander (120 points)
recategorized Dec 29, 2016 by -Luis-
i'v done all the down load and install measures and nothing happens, whats wrong, ???

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Dec 29, 2016 by Skip Jones (166,950 points)
Hello. After downloading, you should have received an e-mail from Arturia to activate the product. I downloaded but after 3 days still no e-mail and no way to log into my new account since I had not veen activated. This happened to more than a few users. I snuck in the back door by posting a message to their Sales Contact link stating my issue and asking them to forward my message to tech support. I got a Facebook freind request from Jason Valax from Arturia within an hour from Arturia explaining that they had activated the account for me. They had a huge amount of sign ups over the holidays. You might give that a shot.