Questions & Answers

Connecting to this version Studio One is not supported

+1 vote
asked Jun 27, 2017 in Studio One 3 by danyindrawan (160 points)
I just downloaded the new Studio One Remote application for Android from the Play Store.

When i try to connect remote to my Dekstop Studio One, pop up said "Connecting to this version Studio One is not supported"

Any version supported by Studio One Remote for Dekstop?

3 Answers

–1 vote
answered Jun 28, 2017 by lawrencefarr (221,510 points)
Best answer
Please take a look at the following article from our knowledge base for information on troubleshooting this issue.  It should be the same, networking issues, for iPad or Android.
+1 vote
answered Apr 26, 2018 by christopherjohnson6 (210 points)
That answer is SO WRONG. I've done everything that was asked....UDP ports, Apple I-Tunes on my Windows computer that I hate and never wanted to install....and HAD TO. Really? I own Presonus Studio One Professional and have the correct version. I also bought and TRIED TO INSTALL the Studio One Remote Support just to have IT TELL ME that my version was wrong and it won't install since NOTHING ELSE WORKED. I want my money back for that by the way. Why are there so many people having the same issue and no easy fix has been explained? If I have to show or make a youtube video showing just how user unfriendly this process is I will to prove my point. You put a feature or an idea out there and it doesn't work for us the easy or I'm going back to Sonar...I really like this interface and it would be great to have this.
–1 vote
answered Mar 23, 2021 by edgarroock (360 points)
Check out this fix

Worked for me.