Questions & Answers

I dont see the FX Tap Tempo when im connected to my Mixer via my IPAD.

0 votes
asked Jun 10, 2017 in StudioLive Series III by ermaneusope (180 points)
Hi, if this is the right place to ask. I am a live sound techie for my band in the club. In most of our songs, i do have to play with the delays and i regularly use the Tap Tempo. When i first check on the DEMO of the UC Surface on the IPAD there is TAP Tempo function, however when im connected to my mixer, the TAP TEMPO is missing, thus i have to click onto the FX , select the FX C and use the tap there. Its not friendly for me cos i have to mangaed the Vocals fader at the same time. Please advice, i might have screwed somewhere to loose that Tap Tempo.

1 Answer

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answered Jun 23, 2017 by paulclarke2 (27,400 points)
Best answer
There are some features available in the UC Surface Demo, that are not available when properly connected to the Series ii console. These features may become available in a future update.

Another way to access the Tap Tempos for FX A, B, C & D would be to setup the User Assignable Buttons to be your Tap Tempo's.

See section of the StudioLive series iii manual for more on how to setup your User Assignable Buttons.