Questions & Answers

Can I externally download the latest Quantum Firmware?

+1 vote
asked May 20, 2020 in Thunderbolt - Quantum by michaelardron (640 points)

Hi All, 

I am running Firmware version 1.1-19 on my Quantums and have been for a long time. I have received Firmware updates for my Faderport and Faderport 16, but not a thing for the Quantums since the version I mentioned above. Without a way to check on it, it makes me feel like I'm missing something. It does bring some questions to mind:

1) Is there a way to manually download the latest Quantum Firmware version?
2) Is there somewhere to actually check on the Presonus website what the latest F/W version actually is?
3) Is there a way to manually install the firmware, or is it only through UC?
4) Is there still Firmware being developed for the Quantum now that the T3 version is released?

Thanks for any insights, stay safe,


3 Answers

0 votes
answered May 21, 2020 by Xavier Ortiz (480 points)

I was wondering if my firmware was up to date for my Quantum 2 because I am now experiencing issues with main volume control still letting sound through when turned all the way down (no there isn't a mute button on the Quantum 2 sad). I went to Universal Control and on the splash page after you turn on your device it lists your current Firmware version. Then if you go to the Settings menu and select Update Firmware it will tell you if you are up-to-date and give you the option to Update Anyway.

0 votes
answered Sep 9, 2020 by radar23 (1,940 points)
You can download earlier versions of UC and downgrade the firmware that way.  i"ve had to downgrade to the last firmware as there is a bug with the ADAT port one on the latest firmware that Prosonus Support seem to not worry about.  So i'm stuck on the older working firmware and no access to UC...
+1 vote
answered Oct 2, 2020 by peterwalmsley (160 points)
I'm also having a problem with ADAT port 1.

I've tried to downgrade the firmware but it doesn't seem to be working either

I'm getting nowhere with presonus

Would somebody mind walking me through the procedure for downgrading the firmware just to make sure i'm doing everything correctly pls?