Questions & Answers

I would like to know how can I get the proper I/O setting for Pro tools 12.

+2 votes
asked Sep 18, 2017 in StudioLive Series III by prince10 (170 points)
I just bought a presonus studiolive 32 iii 32. I use it in the studio. I would like to know how can I get the proper I/O setting for Pro tools 12. I'm using windows 7 home premium  64 bit.

5 Answers

+1 vote
answered Aug 23, 2018 by jonnydoyle (403,720 points)
Best answer

Pro Tools has 32x32 I/O limit when not using their HD Hardware + Software versions.

PT will only accept signals from the first 32 inputs it sees from the driver. All channels beyond this will NOT produce any audio.

This is by Design from Avid.

Note: Studio One does not have a I/O limit with it's Audio Devices.

+1 vote
answered Sep 26, 2017 by Daniel Strobbe (160 points)
I have the same question except I am using a MAC.
0 votes
answered Dec 6, 2017 by garystone (1,120 points)
I can't get a Pro Tools mix to show up on the Tape Input over USB.
–1 vote
answered Aug 22, 2018 by robc6 (520 points)
hey Guys

I would like to know if this issue has been fixed? I am running Mac Book Pro July2018, 6core i7 2.1Ghz, 32Gb ram, 1TB running Pro Tools 2018.7. I spoke with a local PreSonus distributer about an old StudioLive 24.4.2 which I know a friend of mine used with Pro Tools 10 successfully. He urged me to go for the new series 3 SL24 but never said anything about this issue, saying the older 24.4.2 are obsolete (which I knew) and if anything breaks down I won't be able to get replacements parts... for me that was a good selling point..... so I will be putting on hold buying a new SL24 until I know its going to have no issues working with Pro Tools or I will have to look else where. I don't really care to much about the SL24 onboard processing (except when the desk is used live) in the Studio I have all I need in PT for processing sound.... all I need is the SL24 to do is perform like a audio interface and send dry signal to PT unto 24 channels.

I won't to be able to use the desk to run our pa for my band, plus use it in the studio....


–1 vote
answered Sep 2, 2018 by robc6 (520 points)

I understand Presonus is maybe still working on DAW control for third party software. all I'm trying to find out..... DAW control and the USB I/O are 2 entirely different things right? and currently Pro Tools doesn't have access to the DAW feature but still can access the USB I/O feature, even though Pro Tools limits I/O to 32/32 so just an audio interface of sorts with no access to the onboard feature including animated faders...etc...etc.... at this stage.
