Questions & Answers

Sonar Compatability / Increase Length of Note Audition in Midi Editor / Allow Chord Audition

+42 votes
asked Dec 11, 2017 in MIDI Editing by daniellesaux (2,570 points)
In Sonar, you can select a note in the Piano Roll View (or Midi Editor as it's called in Studio One) and audition the note by clicking on the note. The note sustains as long as you keep the mouse click down. Studio One only plays a note for a predetermined short burst and the audition feature is a little unpredictable.

Similarly, in Sonar you can audition a chord by selecting the notes in the chord in the PRV and audition the chord by clicking on any of the  selected notes. You can select as many notes as desired and only those notes would sound. This is a great feature for us non keyboard musicians and allows us to work out parts, lines and chord progressions. Studio One doesn't allow chords to be auditioned.

Right now my workflow is seriously impacted.

4 Answers

+1 vote
answered Jan 17, 2018 by AlexTinsley (925,510 points)
Best answer

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+1 vote
answered Jul 1, 2021 by Jorge Araujo (280 points)
its so simple and help to much in loop libraries
+1 vote
answered Jul 11, 2021 by leonardodacostaborges (170 points)
Ajuda demais esse recurso eu usava o Cubase e nele tinha agora no S1 nao consigo ouvir a nota midi quando clico em cima dela.
0 votes
answered Feb 14, 2023 by bradleyamick (690 points)
After contacting support, this is by design. I don't know why, as I see zero benefit to having such a short burst for auditioning. And as you said, it is wildly inconsistent.

For instruments with slow attacks/textures that don't immediately give you a pitch reference, it's sometimes impossible to quickly program by hand/ear.

Please PreSonus, give us a check box option that allows us to audition the midi notes in the arranger view just as if you were clicking and holding on the piano roll to the left (play until you unclick).

This seems like a very simple thing to adjust and add.

Reason/Sonar do this and it makes programming cinematic instruments, and heavily textured but pitched libraries a breeze. Almost impossible in Studio One. Big slow crescendo cinematic brass instruments for example... sometimes impossible to program by ear/hand in the arranger. It's twice the work to audition first, then program second. Just audition the note while programming or clicking/holding.