Questions & Answers

Unarm all tracks

+18 votes
asked Mar 10, 2018 in Recording by adrienmogenet (390 points)
There's no way to unarm all tracks at once in Studio One, except by doing several operations (select all tracks + unarm).

Could you add a keyboard shortcut to unarm everything at once? We could even map this a MIDI signal so that we can do this from the Faderport, which has a "arm all" option already.

5 Answers

+6 votes
answered Mar 13, 2018 by niles (54,670 points)
selected May 22, 2018 by lawrencefarr
Best answer

Workaround #3

ALT+Click an armed button to unarm all armed tracks.

+2 votes
answered Mar 12, 2018 by moshegoldstein (1,750 points)
edited Mar 12, 2018 by moshegoldstein

It's strange that Studio One has an assignable "Arm All" keyboard shortcut, but they don't have an assignable "Unarm All".

2 workarounds for now:

Workaround #1

You can assign the "Arm" function to a keyboard shortcut. This will toggle the arming of all selected tracks.
Better yet, if you have the Pro version, you can create a macro to set the "Arm" status of selected tracks to 0. Then assign that Macro to a keyboard shortcut. This will always UNarm all selected tracks (unlike the "Arm" function which which toggle the arm status).

The only trouble is selecting all tracks. The 2 simplest ways I know of to select all tracks:

  1. Select the first track and while holding SHIFT, select the last track.
  2. Put all your tracks into one folder, then by selecting the folder track, you can unarm all tracks contained therein using your keyboard shortcut. But if you're fine adding this folder to your project, just use solution # 2 below:

Workaround #2

Put all your tracks into one folder (don't worry, you can still maintain your folders structure within this folder. Just select all your tracks and right-click > Pack Folder). Now clicking on the folder's Arm button will toggle the arming of your entire project together.

+2 votes
answered May 21, 2018 by AlexTinsley (925,550 points)

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–2 votes
answered Jan 28, 2021 by ericdavidson2 (200 points)
Adrien, you're wrong.  I did a simple google search and found out how in a couple of minutes
(Alt-Click on any Arm button, or click the top armed track and drag the cursor down while holding).
+1 vote
answered Jan 28, 2021 by adrienmogenet (390 points)

ericdavidson2, yes indeed, it has been suggested as a workaround. But this is not a keyboard shortcut. I'm looking for a solution not involving a "point and click" operation. Thanks for the time spent on searching though.
