Questions & Answers

Tried all the of suggested troubleshooting suggestions but the ATOM controller is still not functioning correctly.

+2 votes
asked Nov 10, 2018 in Atom Pad Controllers by jthobbs (160 points)
I was able to update the ATOM  firmware upon installation.

Universal Control recognizes device correctly after update.

The ATOM Controller is recognized by latest update to Studio One 4 correctly as well as within the MIDI settings along with my other MIDI devices.

Once I have created a new song, I am able to use the Setup button under the SONG section on the ATOM to open the Browser on S1 in the song I created.

However, at that point the device seems to lock up and does not allow me to browse thru or select my instruments as shown in the Tutorial Videos.

8 Answers

0 votes
answered Nov 11, 2018 by duanemarks (320 points)
yea I did the firmware update too and mine lights up fine and works perfect when studio one 4 is not running , all the buttons ,lights and modes work fine and as soon as I start studio one all the lights on the pads go out and do not come back on until I exit studio one and when I do that the pad lights flicker for a few seconds and then they are on like they should be.
0 votes
answered Nov 14, 2018 by oscargarza3 (8,420 points)
Hi, if you use your mouse to click in the instrument browser area to bring it to focus, do your Up and Down buttons then work? Which exact version of Studio One are you using?
0 votes
answered Dec 7, 2018 by lestervandewalle2 (3,170 points)
Yes, mine has frozen up a couple of times too. But never in the browser I think, when I was holding down a couple of pads at the same time to playback different loops. Never with short samples though
0 votes
answered Dec 26, 2019 by PrettyCoolDude (1,030 points)
I have that same problem.
0 votes
answered Jan 17, 2020 by michaelcotter (240 points)
I have the same exact problem! Has anyone figured this out yet??
0 votes
answered Feb 13, 2020 by davidferraro (140 points)
My Atom was not even recognized by S1 when I plugged it in. All latest upgrades installed. After an hour of noodling, got it working for 5 minutes, then have similar problem as you. Very frustrated. Picked up my ‘68 Guild guitar and tascam recorder and actually enjoyed making music again.
0 votes
answered Mar 22, 2020 by josephheumiller (140 points)
I have a similar problem. It initially lit up and seemed to be working, but then stopped. It wouldn't lit up at all. I uninstalled and reloaded Universal control and Studio one. It lit up again and was actually working for a while, then stopped again. When I try to make sure that the Atom is set to Send and Receive, it doesn't show up in the pull down menu. Apparently this is a common problem. Why hasn't Presonus provided a solution? Like one other poster, I'm about ready to go back to Tascam and basics.
0 votes
answered Jan 25, 2021 by eddyaceti (440 points)
I haven't been able to connect the Atom with Studio One v5 at all.