Questions & Answers

How do I get plugins to scan and not get immediately blacklisted?

0 votes
asked Jan 12, 2019 in Studio One 4 by jackhall3 (120 points)
Every time I try to launch studio one, a plug in scanner pops up but never actually scans any plugins. Sometimes the software will blacklist certain plugins, one being melodyne. I haven't seen anyone with a similar problem and when I go to open up melodyne with the edit in melodyne tab, a popup appears claiming I need to install the software even though I have it installed and it's activated.

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Jan 13, 2019 by jean-franoiscournoyer (180 points)
i  have exactly  the same problem!!  i just bought some sounds pack and installed  my software artist  to my desktop  pc  everything is fine and activation is ok. i can go to my account directly by the software to see my products but when i scan or trying to  install my plugins,  a pop up appears  and say download and installing plugins failed even when i open it with my offline license key
0 votes
answered Jan 14, 2019 by mardybydesign (140 points)
edited Jan 14, 2019 by mardybydesign

I have same problem 

plugins failed to scan 



My Fix was Uninstall Other Programs Installed on my pc which was Nord VPN Desktop App causing my problem and now it works fix plugins scan and all work 

for some reason Nord VPN was blocking studio one 4 plugins ability to scan plugins 

this was my fix reinstalling windows OS and both install and uninstall Other desktop software to find which software was conflicting 

but still blacklisting VST is so wrong and sould be removed for any daw as its a joke 

0 votes
answered Jan 12, 2020 by phillipchandler (140 points)
edited Jan 12, 2020 by phillipchandler
I'm having the exact same problem and currently waiting on my online support request to be answered about it. It's blacklisting every plug-in and I have the path correct and everything installed correctly. I'm on a Mac