i7, 32GB, Studio One 4.5, Studio 192 and DP88, all software fully updated
I run L5/6 and L7/8 as cue mix outputs going to 2 headphone amps out to the studio. I had assumed that the Phones buttons in the S1 Console would let me monitor both L5/6 and L7/8 - i.e listen to the same mix as the musicians are hearing. Not so!
In non-Z they output a signal that appears to be one of the Line Outs, although clicking the choose buttons does nothing and even UC seems unsure about which one is being output. In Z (surely normal for recording?) they output nothing!
Fortunately, I can monitor the cue mixes later in the cue chain so this is not critical ... just perplexing, especially as Butch the all-powerful Presonus support guy (who has been incredibly helpful at other times) seems beaten by the issue.
For me this is a logical use of the Phones outputs on the 192.
My questions are: has anyone else experienced this? Is it normal? If so, what is the point of the Phones option in the S1 console?