Questions & Answers

Where is my license activation key and download for purchase of pro 4?

+12 votes
asked Nov 25, 2019 in Studio One 4 by josefyoung (270 points)
I have complete a purchase for Studio One 4 and received the invoice, and payment sent. I have not received email confirmation and/or a license key as well as the downloads for my pro edition. After purchase it tells me to download but it will not allow me to click anything. What is going on. Good money spent with no software to use. This is not acceptable!!!

16 Answers

+1 vote
answered Nov 25, 2019 by rogervincent (1,030 points)
I'm having the SAME problem.  I'm not real happy right now with Presonus regarding my purchase of Studio One Professional 4.
0 votes
answered Nov 26, 2019 by fatbob1 (200 points)
Same thing here, Purchased upgrade from Artist to Pro. No Licence Key or Download link.

Dosent show up in "Most Recent Purchases". Only shows up in "My Orders" & "View My Invoice".

0 votes
answered Nov 26, 2019 by benotcervelli (1,020 points)
Same for me, I was so happy to buy the Pro version, but first I discover after payment that I will have fees because out of euro zone, and now I can just read my invoice...bad day, I hope you will react very quickly !
0 votes
answered Nov 26, 2019 by richardphillips4 (140 points)
Same as fatbob1, no key or download link. In "my orders" with paid in full invoice not in most recent purchases. HELP!
0 votes
answered Nov 26, 2019 by davestitch (180 points)
edited Nov 26, 2019 by davestitch
Ok, Download the demo and your product key should be at the top of the page...
0 votes
answered Nov 26, 2019 by riccardopoggi2 (140 points)
Same story: after purchase Studio Artist I got only the invoice ..and the related charge. I've raised a support ticket hours ago but no reply so far.

I hope someone is looking into this issue.
0 votes
answered Nov 26, 2019 by daveberm (210 points)
edited Nov 26, 2019 by daveberm
Same problem here....I tried DaveStitch workaround and it was StudioOne Artist, no Professional.
0 votes
answered Nov 26, 2019 by keithbradley2 (140 points)
I just bought this after running the demo for a couple weeks and now what? I activated the demo but I don't want the demo. WTF???
0 votes
answered Nov 26, 2019 by danielkurkola (140 points)
Same thing here, does not show under My Products. purchase went ok, I got the confirmation email and it shows on recent purchases on my account, but cannot download and register without a code...
0 votes
answered Nov 26, 2019 by richardmusick (220 points)
My Products not showing up after purchase.. They may be having too many orders coming in at once.. It's an online Black Friday Jam.. I'll wait.. :) Presonus is a great company.
+1 vote
answered Nov 28, 2019 by fatbob1 (200 points)
Got a reply from a ticket I raised saying "

1) Open up Studio One 4.

2) While at the start page, in the upper left-hand corner of the screen in the menu, click on the word
     Studio One".

3) Click on Studio One Activation.

4) Click on the drop-down for "Product Key" and choose to "Show my existing Product Keys."

5) Select your Product Key from the list and press the green "Activate" button."

I Did that and got a pop-up window saying "Please Log in to and accept the most resent terms of use"

WHATS ALL THAT ABOUT!?!?!?!? There is no resent terms there to accept!!!!!!

This is not good Presonus...
+1 vote
answered Nov 29, 2019 by nilsrothe (180 points)
I have same issue since 3 days. -purchase completed, invoice appears in my.presonus/orders. But no registered product under my.presonus/products. No confirmation email and no product key.

I already opened a ticket, got the same reply as fatbob1. But the suggested procedure within S4 does not work (you need a key for the upgrade, registered on my.presonus)

Now, the local support is going to forward the issue to the central Support in the US. But I won‘t get an answer before Monday (... Thanks Giving).

I try to be patient...
0 votes
answered Nov 29, 2019 by Jérôme LEFEBVRE (140 points)
Même chose pour moi acheté upgrade vers studio one 4 pro et pas de code d'activation !
0 votes
answered Nov 29, 2019 by josefyoung (270 points)
Hello all. I wanted to let you know that I was able to get a resolution to all of our problems. It seems as the orders we placed were held up in the ordering system and only providing us with half of our order being complete. They need to manually release the order to our products in the account. Once they push it forward to pur online account it will populate and then you can place the activation key in to the demo to allow full use of pro functions. All you have to do is call the toll free number and speak with a live agent. They help me, I hope this helps you and good luck. Happy creations! ~ Dheckoi Beats
0 votes
answered Aug 4, 2022 by carverbryce9 (140 points)
Well it would seem they havnt fixed this issue yet cuz it’s still happening with 5. Been trying to figure this out all afternoon, for the money a guy spends on this stuff you’d think they could get it right or at least answer a phone when someone’s calling to ask what the **** to do
0 votes
answered Mar 20, 2023 by jonkelley1 (230 points)
Just go to protools trust me, this place is trash