Questions & Answers

Presonus Studiolive Series III 32 Major Issue

0 votes
asked Dec 1, 2019 in StudioLive Series III by samuelprice1 (120 points)
I got a new StudioLive Series III last Wednesday and right out of the box I've been experiencing a major issue with it. All of the buttons and scribble strips on the bottom panel (below the fat channel) are essentially functionless. Some are lit up, others are not, but pressing any of them does nothing. When the faders are moved, the mixer registers that they're moving and shows the dB level on the touchscreen but I'm unable to select any channels, mute them, solo them, or go to different mixes. I've been able to hear audio through the board in different channels but I can't do anything with them except channel one. The scribble strips are also different levels of brightness, but the brightness changes when I turn the mixer on. I've seen most of the buttons light one way or another through various resets or some of the util functions but they remain off during normal use.

I've performed a factory reset multiple times, a firmware reset and update to the newest firmware, turned it on and off several times, but nothing is changed. Occasionally, doing a factory reset will allow different lights to light up, but still most are not lit.

Not sure what to do here. I bought it from Sweetwater and it was a demo unit and they forgot to de-register the mixer so I can't call PreSonus tech support directly until the de-register it. I've been in contact with one of their reps but I've tried out the solutions they've recommended to no avail and I was planning on doing some recording today, so I won't be getting an answer from them until the work week. I'd really appreciate any input!

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Dec 1, 2019 by wahlerstudios (105,370 points)
You mentioned the name of the shop which sold you a completely defective mixer. Return the mixer to the shop and let them care for the case. They should provide a full working and not registered mixer, otherwise demand your money back.

Do NOT try anything anymore. Resets and calibrations make no sense. This mixer is out of order.