Questions & Answers

Unrestricted routing capability

+26 votes
asked Dec 14, 2019 in Mixing by ryanconway1 (1,350 points)
One thing I would like to see in S1 is at least the possibility to get away from the "my first routing" structure and let us route anything to anywhere.  For instance I like to create a send on an delay FX bus back to itself, turn the feedback of the delay low, and then I can put other FX (reverb, disto etc) in the feedback loop, and automate the self routed bus for feedback...The splitter is nice in S1, but sometimes I would prefer to have two busses for parallel FX, and so on.

An easy way to do this that would make it relatively safe for the newbies who are at risk of making feedback loops, would be to make a "bus source" plugin, that simply lets you select which bus or send you want routed to the channel it's on, and a mix of the plugin's input and that bus/send FX levels.  This would even work with sidechain key listen if S1 didn't block the self routings.

3 Answers

+3 votes
answered Jun 21, 2020 by kurtismcloughlin1 (1,060 points)
I want this as well. Also want to be able to have the sidechain input the same as the source, for reverb ducking.
0 votes
answered Jul 21, 2020 by benreaves (11,480 points)
I think a good first step would be the ability to "mult" channel outputs, or the ability to set Aux inputs as existing tracks, OR a "send" plugin that allows me to send to another channel from anywhere in the insert chain.
0 votes
answered Jul 23, 2020 by fredriklidin (1,490 points)
Good suggestion! I mainly would like to see the ability to place a send among the inserts and vice versa.

With that I could have a compressor as an insert then send a portion of the signal to a reverb and after that process with another fx (for example distortion). The distorted sound would have compression applied but no reverb.