Questions & Answers

I can't log in from the DAW Studio One 4 professional

+3 votes
asked Dec 23, 2019 in Studio One 4 by juansalvadormartncampano (150 points)
Hello, I have a problem, I bought presonus studio one 4 professional, and I had to register offline to use it because it is impossible to log into the software.
I can log on to the presonus website, but I can't log on to studio one 4. It returns an error message as if there was no internet connection and if there is one.
I have a license and registered serial number.

I can't update online or use the publish to soundcloud option because it always asks for my mail and my pass. I have tried countless times to send tickets to request technical support but it seems that it is disabled from the web, since it does not send it nor do I receive a report that it has been sent.

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Dec 30, 2019 by unistudioestdioaudio (440 points)
Im also having the same problem.

It also happens on PreSonus Hub...
0 votes
answered Mar 2, 2020 by maurocatacchio (180 points)
I m also having the same problem

could you help me?


0 votes
answered Jan 24, 2021 by briceadjo (140 points)
Hello I have the same problem someone can help me ?thank you