Questions & Answers

StudioLive Seies III: option to provide a filename and location for Backup files

+1 vote
asked Feb 1, 2020 in StudioLive Series Feature Requests by wapperdude (3,480 points)
UC Control (Surface) can distinguish specific consoles when more than one are connected via USB to a PC.  However, the Backup procedure does not.  It merely names the file using the console generic name, e.g., StudioLive Series Iii 64S, and appends the date.  This doesn't provide adequate info.  

The request would be to:  (1) specify the directory where the file is located, (2) let the User enter the file name or use the console nickname.  The date of the Backup could still be appended at the end of the file name or created as a subdirectory.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Feb 6, 2020 by jonnydoyle (403,740 points)
Best answer

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