Questions & Answers

Can't hear audio playback or recordings.

0 votes
asked Feb 5, 2016 in Studio One 3 by chansonrego (210 points)
recategorized Feb 9, 2016 by gadget69
why cant i hear any audio playback or recordings?? i can hear the volume beep when i adjust volume on computer, but i cant hear anything else when im on stuido one 3. i am connected to the audio box.. but when i first open it and the load page appears it says Speaker 2 disabled and some other thing. any help will b much apprecated thanks. I have windows 10.

3 Answers

–3 votes
answered Jun 26, 2017 by AlexTinsley (925,610 points)
Best answer
We see these questions a lot. It is primarily because your device does not have it's ASIO driver installed. While Windows will use the device as a class compliant playback device using Windows Audio Drivers, you can't hear audio playback or recordings because Studio One relies on a different codec than what Windows provides. Studio One relies on something called ASIO which bypasses the Windows Mixer and provides lower latency audio recording and playback.

The AudioBox USB (and all other PreSonus products) no longer have discs in the boxes, and Windows doesn't know that we require an ASIO driver. There is a registration card in the box that comes in the bag with the Quick Start Guide (that unfortunately most folk's disregard) and just plug the interface in and end up like we are here.

Registering the interface will present you with the software download for the application and for the device driver. Device drivers are also available to anyone on our download page here: Just select your device and download the latest release. Install the software, a reboot may be necessary.

Then follow the quick start guide to get going. All of our product manuals include walk through setup instructions to get you up and running with the software as well.
+3 votes
answered May 28, 2019 by kylerichards3 (230 points)
I am new to Studio One, and new to StudioLive 32SC. My history with music software and equipment was you plugged it in, plugged in the speakers, and everything generally worked (save a few drivers).  With Studio One you actually have to physically route where the sound goes.  What's more confusing, from what I can tell, you have to have a song open to get where you need to go (I'm writing this comment for Studio One 4.5 btw).  

With any song open, blank should work, go to "Studio One", then "Options."  On the bottom left you should see "Song Setup."  Open, click on the "Audio I/O Setup" at the top.  Here is where you route the inputs and outputs of Studio One (should see two small tabs just below the main bar).  If you click on the Outputs, there is one "Main" output that is going to Channel 1 and 2.

I'm still quite new to StudioLive 32SC and may discover that my comments here are wrong or outdated as I learn more, but I did get it to work. My situation was I could hear everything, instruments plugged in, the computer, etc. but I could not hear what was coming out of Studio One.  The meters were moving, no sound.  No headphones, no monitor, etc.  It turns out the default channels to the main outs in StudioLive were 37 and 38.  So if you go back to Studio One and change that "Main" output to Channels 37 and 38 (if you click on one channel both should fill in the stereo output), that worked for me.  I'm sure there is more to understand with configurations, etc., but definitely feels like they just "assume" you understand all of this as the directions give no clear indication on how this is supposed to work, at least not in any "Quick Start" guide.  This was buried in instructions and online help.  Really need some audio routing instructions for beginners with this equipment.  Hopefully helpful, good luck.
0 votes
answered Jan 23, 2022 by desireetonking (140 points)
I am new to presonus and I spent an entire frustrating day searching for this answer which solved my problem.
Make sure you have downloaded and installed the universal controller!!!

I read so many threads about input levels and adjusting the gain, and normalizing audio after recording.  I checked and rechecked all the levels. I watched YouTube videos for beginners all claiming to have the answer. But it was not working.  Normalizing the audio seemed to be the only way but the audio seemed noisy and strange after doing this. It also didn't make sense that there would be such a bad base level setup from presonus on the input levels because this would make it impossible for beginners to get started.

Eventually  I stumbled on this answer and one you tube video that confirmed it.

Dear Presonus. I think this answer is really under emphasised.  There were no clear instructions in the box and in my excitement to get started I scanned the online setup instructions and assumed that everything was ready to go in one download. (one other thing that was not clear was that my software download would be found in the Hardware setup because I had bought a startup bundle which included software rather than buying only software - also a few hours of searching for this little issue)

If you are a lucky first time user or even experienced user who somehow followed the installation steps perfectly. You would actually have no idea what many users are experiencing. And that's why there is so much "wrong" advice about this problem.

Anyway. Very long story. But basically, as soon as the driver is installed. The problem is solved immediately. No more background  settings, no more normalizing or adjusting aduio after recording.
Plug and play! As it should be.