Questions & Answers

How do you play the pattern looped.

0 votes
asked Mar 13, 2020 in Editing by zacharyryals (100 points)
Is it just me or you cant play a pattern like on every other daw there is out there? I mean I dont there is song mode which plays the whole track then their is just pattern mode so you can work on the isolated pattern. If I have to work soley in full song mode that is kind of lame.

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Mar 13, 2020 by joegilder (13,630 points)
You just have to loop the pattern, using the loop bar at the top of the arrange window.
–3 votes
answered Mar 13, 2020 by zacharyryals (100 points)
The way to do this on studio one sucks. It is so amateurish. The user interface of studio one is so ****. Why did I waste my money on this?
–3 votes
answered Mar 13, 2020 by zacharyryals (100 points)
Caustic for Android is a better DAW then this as far as composing goes. If only caustic had the professional sound this has. How Studio One is a industry standard is beyond me. It is pointlessly complicated.