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closed Studio One Feature Request. No Brainers

+8 votes
asked Mar 23, 2020 in Hardware Integration / Remote Control by saraleboudec (580 points)
closed Jan 8, 2021 by arndkaiser

Made a video demonstrating the features needed.

You will not be able to understand the requests unless you watch the video. 

In short, here are the feature request:

- Faster saving that doesn't overtake your project. In Cubase, the saving is instant and doesn't interfere with your workflow at all. 

- Glue tool to join to midi notes

- Proper Arrow/Scissor (while holding control) tool in midi like it works in audio. Having an eraser and draw tool for control is useless when you can draw by double clicking a blank space and delete a note by double clicking it. 

- Audition all notes in a chord by holding Shift (including notes that do not start with the other notes. All notes in that vertical line should be able to be auditioned). 

- Eq already loaded in mixer like in Cubase. Ability to select which EQ will be loaded so you can use better quality EQs by default. EQ is such a basic part of recording and mixing and you shouldn't have to load an EQ. There could be a button on the left to show/hide EQ as a module in the mixer. 

Thank you for considering this suggestions. I love Studio One, but these missing features make it much more difficult to work efficiently. 

closed with the note: Multiple requests in a single post are not allowed. Please read and acknowledge the rules before posting and create a separate post for each feature request. Thank you.

5 Answers

–1 vote
answered Mar 24, 2020 by valentinosciacca1 (8,440 points)
edited Mar 24, 2020 by valentinosciacca1

Glue tool to join to midi notes: If you select midi notes and click "g" on your keyboard it will merge midi parts too

Go to: Studio One> Keyboard Shortcuts...  

Type "Merge Events" and assign it whatever you like. 

Hope this helps!

–1 vote
answered Mar 29, 2020 by saraleboudec (580 points)

"Glue tool to join to midi notes: If you select midi notes and click "g" on your keyboard it will merge midi parts too

Go to: Studio One> Keyboard Shortcuts...  

Type "Merge Events" and assign it whatever you like. 

Hope this helps!"

This is inconvenient. You should just be able to select the took with a number or the middle mouse wheel and have the glue tool available to glue adjacent notes without having to select them individually. 

+1 vote
answered Mar 29, 2020 by fschmidt (6,240 points)
I have to agree. Its strange not to have a dedicated glue tool.
+1 vote
answered Mar 29, 2020 by fschmidt (6,240 points)

At least a "press and hold"-shortcut
to bring up the scissors tool would be helpful indeed.

CTRL + SHIFT  for example is still unused...

0 votes
answered Apr 1, 2020 by paullearmonth1 (1,450 points)
I'm upvoting this specifically for the channel eq idea. Also, coming from cubase this is something I REALLY miss.