Questions & Answers

dark color for menu-bar on windows 10

+24 votes
asked May 7, 2020 in Look and Feel by kdfudrzx (640 points)
edited May 8, 2020 by kdfudrzx

we can make title-bar and appearance dark, but menu-bar cannot so UI is mismatch.

I hope to configure menu bar dark.

Add: I have attached a screenshot.

7 Answers

+7 votes
answered May 8, 2020 by corriehansen1 (290 points)

Yes! Precisely! I would love to see this as well, that ugly dull grey bar really kills the mood of any theme. I'll attach a photo so you can see how it just plain doesn't fit with the theme, especially if you have the upper window bar black which is a setting you can change within windows itself

+4 votes
answered Aug 16, 2020 by valentinosciacca1 (8,400 points)

I am planning to switch to S1 from Mac to Windows. The Mac version has the window bar dark and I really like it.

I just saw S1 on windows that white bar is really annoying... It would be great if there would be the ability to chose from a light bar or a dark one.

This is S1 on Mac:

+1 vote
answered Mar 24, 2022 by prinsonmonthero (270 points)
yep this much needed !
+3 votes
answered Jan 30, 2023 by tiagoribeiro3 (1,070 points)
edited Jan 30, 2023 by tiagoribeiro3

PreSonus, it is not that hard.

A few examples of other windows applications

+2 votes
answered Sep 7, 2023 by rafaelgoodman (200 points)

Agreed 100%! More generally, I wish the background of the main menu followed the overall background color found in Options | General | Appearance | Background.

+1 vote
answered Jan 4 by romanaverkin (460 points)
+1 for this. White bars are distracting
0 votes
answered Feb 20 by strumpy_strudel (530 points)
Unfortunately, Microsoft half-assed their "dark" mode implementation like they do everything so we are stuck with an incredibly ugly OS and light UI elements all throughout the "dark" mode. Windows has had a dark mode far longer than macOS and the latter is vastly more complete. Since Microsoft is never going to fix their "dark" mode after all of these years, Presonus should do something about it. SHIFT+F is great most of the time, but having to drop into the ugly *** white menus is jarring.