Questions & Answers

How do you guys set up your 808 slides in S1

+3 votes
asked May 16, 2020 in Editing by CWin (520 points)
So ive been struggling with my 808s in s1 ever since coming from fl studio. it was so easy in fl studio but i can never get super tight 808s in s1. I usually add my 808 to sample one, put it in mono/glide mode and turn the glide dial all the way up. today i was trying to do some drill 808s but the glide just sounds incredibly sluggish and slow. went to the my old computer with fl and had no problems getting the sound i want. am i missing something in S1 or is this just the way it is. ive heard other ppl say 808 glides in s1 arent all that great. any suggestions?

2 Answers

+2 votes
answered Jun 14, 2020 by klausnyberg (1,830 points)
Glidenotes 4 Studio One would be great
+1 vote
answered Jan 10, 2021 by cedricwoods (170 points)
I agree!! You have to do way too much to get them to sound good and it shouldn’t be that complicated!