Questions & Answers

Why can't I manually move faders of non-automated tracks during automation of other tracks?

0 votes
asked May 19, 2020 in StudioLive Series III by damiangrove (280 points)
I don't know if this is an issue that is more to do with StudioLive, or Studio One. But when volume automation is being read on a song, it prevents me from manually moving the faders of all other tracks. So if the song is playing and, while automation is going I decide I need more bass in the song, it tries to prevent me from moving the fader. Why is this happening? It doesn't make a lot of sense to me. I'm not sure if this is a feature, or a bug.

I'm using a StudioLive 24 Series III mixer with Studio One 4.6.1.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 23, 2020 by tothrec (32,320 points)
selected May 28, 2020 by jonnydoyle
Best answer
In Studio One, look at the automation setting on your bass track.  See if there is a power button you can disable.

In other words, it seems that your StudioLive is considering automation enabled on all of your tracks.