Questions & Answers

Cannot download latest STUDIOLIVE 32SC SERIES II firmware

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asked Apr 7, 2021 in StudioLive Series III by frankb56 (220 points)
I recently purchased a StudioLive 32SC.  I followed instructions to upload the Series III firmware v2.4.0.17466.  However, the file that is downloaded is called as16_scupgrade.img. When I try to complete the download I get a Warning message that the "Image not recognized."  In essence I am not able to update the firmware.  Please Advise

Frank Bello

[email protected]

1 Answer

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answered Apr 14, 2021 by mackjohnson1 (78,460 points)
The message is your computer trying to open the file, which it won't be able to. The .img file is strictly for Universal Control to open.

You should still be able to drag and drop it into Universal Control.