Questions & Answers

New Presonus audiobox 96 input 2 not working

0 votes
asked May 31, 2020 in AudioBox USB by roberthedge (130 points)
When I plug my guitar or microphone into the new Audiobox 96 I just purchased It will work fine in input 1, but not in input 2 . Studio One Artist shows no input signal coming through channel 2 and my headphones pick up no sound coming through when plugged into channel 2  but when I plug into channel 1 - channel 1 works fine on both the Studio One Artist, and my headphones with the signal coming in loud and clear. Both inputs on the Studio One audiobox interface are set at the same Setting about halfway. When i switch microphone and guitar around It still shows no signal coming through channel 2. Am I doing something wrong or is something wrong with my audiobox? Or is something not set right in Studio one? Funny thing is that if I plug my keyboard into the midi outlet  the midi output works.

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Jun 1, 2020 by tothrec (32,310 points)
If you cannot hear channel two using headphones plugged into the AudioBox, I'd think the unit is faulty.  Assuming you have the same amount of gain as when you are using channel one..
