@arndkaiser Thank you for mentioning this. I did some digging and found it is similar with ROLI Studio Player. You have to trick Studio One 5 into not recognizing the VST3 version, and only use the VST2 file.
Navigate to C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3
The file "ROLI Studio Player.vst3" can either be deleted, or renamed ROLI Studio Player.broken, something like that. This forces the software to not recognize it.
Then, the VST2 version is stored in C:\Program Files\Common Files\Steinberg\VST2
So you have to add this as a plugin location within Studio One.
You'll know it works if it says "Category: VST2" in the bottom right corner.
Also be sure to enable MPE for your device, as well as enable MPE in the vst window.
Hope this helps for the time being until VST3 is implemented :)