Questions & Answers

closed Studio One Suspend VST3 plugins processing when no audio is received

+35 votes
asked Aug 6, 2020 in Completed Feature Requests by joaodamas (570 points)
closed Mar 3, 2023 by arndkaiser

All major DAWs Suspend VST3 plugins processing when no audio is received. Not S1...

Running a large mastering project in S1 is hard even with a powerful CPU. Some of the best mastering plugins running high precision filters are very demanding. 

It would be nice to suspend VST3 processing when no audio is received by the plugin. This is usually done at the host level. 

closed with the note: Implemented in Studio One 5.3 (Plug-in Nap)

4 Answers

+2 votes
answered Jul 19, 2021 by janolszak (740 points)
selected Jul 19, 2021 by joaodamas
Best answer
S1 is literally unusable without this feature.
I have a i9 processor, 5 instances of Neural DSP and S1 already hits 100% processor.
+3 votes
answered Aug 23, 2020 by Lukas Ruschitzka (261,340 points)

Thank you for the feature request. 

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+1 vote
answered Nov 13, 2020 by konradkoch (1,410 points)
Wow! It's still not in S1??
+2 votes
answered Jan 29, 2021 by franckmariani (3,310 points)
I don't know what Presonus is waiting for.

IMHO , It's more important than trying to mimic Ableton Live