Questions & Answers

Smooth scrolling with fixed play head during playback

+6 votes
asked Nov 26, 2020 in Studio One 5 by perrylancaster (480 points)
Hi Everyone

I'm new to Studio One 5 and about ready to subscribe to Sphere but I would like to fix the playhead and have the tracks scroll

smoothly so the waveforms move and not have the playback to jump from section to section.

Been and Samplitude /Sequoia user for over a decade and can't find a setting for setting up to fix the playhead in one position while the tracks scroll under the playhead position especially when I have the Tracks zoomed in so I can see the tracks without the jumping from current position to the beginning of the next section of a song?
related to an answer for: Continuous scrolling during playback

1 Answer

+2 votes
answered Dec 23, 2022 by xyenzfyxion (3,020 points)
Bump, this is necessary.