Questions & Answers

Using AudioBox USB and AudioBox 96 concurrently

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asked Dec 17, 2020 in AudioBox USB by redbaron1 (410 points)
Can I use the AudioBox USB and AudioBox 96 at the same time? I have my keyboard and guitars in the AudioBox 96, and Piano and piano mics and vocal mics in the AudioBox USB.
     I installed both the Universal Control and the AudioBox  from the disks, and they are both active and running.
    It seems to cause some kind of problem with the PC but can't quite put my finger on the problem. It seems that there may be a conflict between the two programs and drivers. With both plugged into the PC with the AB cables, the PC only seems to recognize the 96, but not the USB.
    Do I need only install the Universal Control to run both AudioBoxes?