Questions & Answers

I can't export a video file from Studio One - See details below.

+2 votes
asked Jan 5, 2021 in Studio One 5 by donaldsarlin (160 points)
I can't upload a video from Studio One.  It quickly renders and then displays the error message, Failure to Write Video.

I have plenty of room on my hard drive.

I am running Mac Big Sur OS on a new iMac

I am running Studio One mac OS x64

Can anyone from Presonus help?  The questions I've found on this site describing the identical problem have gone unanswered.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jun 27, 2021 by andrewcurteman1 (160 points)
same os and S1 version here on a 2015 MacBook pro. Sorry I can't answer your question as I have the same issue. Hopefully, PreSonus will address this issue.