Questions & Answers

How do I find in S1 the (hidden) data of a Miditrack such as system exclusive or program changes.

0 votes
asked Jan 28, 2021 in Studio One 5 by henkspeulman (330 points)
Dear users. I work a lot with midi files, which contain hidden information per track, such as system exclusive or program changes. This allows me to change all kinds of settings in the midi files, but also that I can, for example, store the presets of an external sound module (Ketron sd40) in the midi file.
In Cubase I could easily recall that. Is that also possible in S1.
Thank you for your response.

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Jan 28, 2021 by philangus (10,160 points)
Click on the little ‘+’ at the bottom under where you see the note info. There is a section that you can slide up and enlarge (widen)
0 votes
answered Jan 29, 2021 by henkspeulman (330 points)
thanks for your answer. I actually mean that you see all information as text, so you can change all kinds of data in the text.