Questions & Answers

Can I control two instruments separately with two midi controllers?

+3 votes
asked Mar 25, 2021 in Studio One 5 by tonycaunce (240 points)
Ok I've spent more than two hours trying to figure this out and read every relevant post on the subject.

I have two midi controllers, eventually this is what I've done:

Assigned MIDI out channel 1 on Axiom Air

Assigned MIDI out channel 2 on Roland A-49

Set the MIDI channels in the setups for the two keyboards respectively: Air=1,A-49=2, all other channels not selected.

On the instruments:

Set Mai Tai to use the Axiom Air on channel 1

Set PresenceXT to use A-49 on channel 2

Dragged Mai Tai onto track 1, and Presence onto track 2

Both keyboards can now control the instruments.

What happens is each keyboard controls both instruments at once, but I want each keyboard to control only one instrument, obviously so that I can play two different instruments independently but at the same time.

I couldn't see where to assign a channel to a track, so I conclude that what I am trying to do is not possible in Prime, only in the paid versions.

Can it be done?

I am on Mac os 10.14 and using Studio One 5 Prime


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jun 9, 2021 by jerimiahdeskin (140 points)
an easier way I found is to put the instruments on 2 channels and in the plugin window on the top right is a tab to select your midi source - (ex. In my project I would have ATOM SQ selected on 1 and Kontrol S61 MK2 on 2.  You shouldn’t have to select midi channels just leave them all on but make sure your not routing MIDI into your controllers or you’ll have a loop and when you hit a key on one it will trigger the other.  This works for me, Studio One is excellent at setting up all your MIDI controllers and keyboards.