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Studiolive 32s WAS working great, without changing a thing there is now no sound being produced

0 votes
asked Apr 4, 2021 in StudioLive Series III by jtsantana (150 points)
I have been using the Studiolive 32s mixer for a few months now and have been absolutely loving it. However, the other night I powered it down as normal and turned it on about an hour or two later and instantly smelt a burning plastic smell. As soon as it powered up fully, I checked for sound and there was nothing. I've done everything. I swapped cables, updated firmware for both universal control as well as the mixer, tried different routing configurations and still no sound was coming out. So I decided to remove the PC from the equation and ran it as an analog stand alone mixer...still nothing. The only sound audible it a slight mid-range static hum. I'm pretty sure something got fried inside the board but its less then 4 months old. Has anyone at all experienced this issue? Also, just to be clear all mutes are off, all connections are correct, its plugged in and the Tape In channel is not the issue.

Please help, I love this thing and I've been on an amazing flow. I really don't want to send this back for repairs if there's a solution.

Thanks for your time

1 Answer

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answered Apr 8, 2021 by keithjacks (150 points)
not sure if this will help, but I experience this briefly. I went in to edit SOLO to confirm my settings. Exited and hit Clear and audio came back.