Questions & Answers

Studio One 5 locked up while recording podcast interview

+2 votes
asked Apr 23, 2021 in Studio One 5 by randycarter2 (140 points)
While recording almost an hour-long (inaugural) podcast interview with an award winning musician, I suddenly lost audio and then realized my Studio One 5 Artist had locked up. I hit exit and the “yes” to save only to discover the entire track (episode) had been lost. Went back to all “saved” and nothing.

What are probable causes for this? I have a custom computer specifically built to far exceed Presonus minimum spec. requirements. It is not the first time it has locked up on me (while recording music/instruments), but it is the first time I’ve lost an entire recording - and, definitely the worst time for it to happen.

Any help or insight offered would be appreciated.


Randy Carter

Producer and Host of “Roots, Rock and Blues” podcast.

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Apr 24, 2021 by harmonyblackwell (440 points)
Hey Randy, So, unfortunate.  Sorry to hear that.  I too have been having freezing issues.  I'm preparing for a Summer Tour and really want to switch from using Ableton Live to use the new Show Page.  The Platform is awesome and the flow is so easy, until the freeze up... I gotta rehearsal in June, so I need to know ASAP if this is going to work.  I'm confident that they'll figure it out.

Nice to meet you Randy,

Harmony Blackwell

Live Performance Programmer/Background Vocalist for Legendary RnB Group "The Whispers"
+1 vote
answered Apr 24, 2021 by aka_busker (32,870 points)
Hi both of you.  I don't have a solution per se, but Studio One features an auto save feature which is turned on by default.  I have never turned it off and it is set to 5 minutes.   If you have got your auto save turned on (I really hope you have), then all might not be lost.  ####  On the start page, where it lists your recent files, if you right click the file name it will show you all the auto save points for that file.  You can sort through the auto save point and you might find one that has the majority of your work.  V5 also has an "open with options" as a chance to disable plugins that may have caused the crash. If that's the Issue.  ####  I really hope that works for both of you.  The advice is specific to Studio One and should work on both Windows and Mac.  Neither of you mention your computing platform.  I am sorry I can't make suggestions on how to solve the freezing issues because I don't know the symptoms.  ####