Questions & Answers

Ampire no factory presets list avaible under Logic X (no presets)

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asked Nov 20, 2022 in PreSonus Hub / Plugins by michelegaleazzi (120 points)

I installed the Presonus Hub to be able to load Presonus plug-ins compatible with the Hub application on third-party DAWs as well. I state that everything works well and the product in question (Ampire) is duly authorized. However, on Studio 0ne the list of Ampire factory presets is available while when I load the same plug-ins on Logic X via the Hub application, it's no longer possible to access this list (no menu appears as it happens in Studio One): If I press the document-shaped icon at the top left I get the writing (no presets). The question is: should I assume this behavior is normal or did I make some mistake during the installation?

Thanks in advance for any useful information in this regard.